Yorkshire services and activities

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Paces Sheffield:Our School offers a service designed to meet the needs of children 0 to 19 years of age and their families by delivering a conductive programme with the flexibility to suit most families needs. The services can link in with either a mainstream or other specialist provision or can be dedicated, stand alone services for that child.  We also offer a transitional service that helps to prepare both the child and the receiving school. The Early Intervention Programme aims to help children to develop their movement skills, speech and communication skills, cognitive functions, intellectual skills, self care, emotional and social skills. The confidence and self-esteem the child gains as a result of this increased control will also have a positive effect on his/her ability to be included within a peer group. Paces was rated ‘Outstanding in every category’ by Ofsted in 2013.

Website: www.pacessheffield.org

email:  [email protected]

Tel: 0114 284 5298

Independent Supporters

SEND Karma: A bespoke Independent Supporter service that is person-centred and led by families, providing hands-on support to get the best possible Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan for your child.

Website: sendkarma.co.uk

email: [email protected]

Tel: 01484 452910